Joanna is a single parent and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and felt very isolated, which was heightened by the lockdowns and being in a new home. She was referred to Good Work by Doncaster Social Prescribing, and was also accessing support from IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies).
Joanna wanted to find a job with flexible hours so that she can still look after her son and be independent. Vicki, Joanna’s Work Coach, and Joanna worked together to create a new cover letter and polish up her CV. Vicki also helped to identify areas of work that might be suitable and sent Joanna a Community Connector job opportunity at a voluntary organisation in Doncaster. They worked together to apply for the job and Joanna was selected for an interview.
She is now a few weeks into the job and is enjoying the flexibility of the role, getting to know the community, and meeting new people.
Joanna is also enjoying being better off financially, and has already taken her son to the funfair twice and looking forward to doing many more activities together.