Yas explains how the support from her Employment Specialist, Gilli, has helped them to find a new job role as a Community Worker, which is more aligned to their personal ideals.


“I first heard about Good Work from my therapist at the time, who was aware that I was unhappy and anxious about my work situation. I had been wanting a change for a while, especially after becoming more aware of how negatively my hospitality job was affecting me. Before discharging me from her care, my therapist referred me to Good Work in the hope that they could assist in my journey of discovering my strengths again and hopefully finding employment that suited me.


Since my first appointment with Gilli at Good Work, I have received support in building my CV and writing applications for positions that I have been interested in. I have also received disability advice and support from Good Work, and continue to benefit from support during my adjustment to a new job! I have also had assistance in searching for jobs that are more aligned with my personal ideals and have been sign-posted to courses that I was able to gain skills at during my unemployment.


Good Work has made me feel a lot more secure in my life circumstances, and overall, happier since the time I began work with my employment specialist, Gilli. Having support in applying for Universal Credit meant that I wasn’t so preoccupied with the financial burden of redundancy, and this then meant that I was feeling much less stressed and anxious daily. This then made a huge impact at home, as I have become less anxious and more optimistic over time, probably making me a nicer person to be around (if you ask my partner).


Having an employment specialist felt like having my own personal cheerleader, and the positive comments about my skills and abilities helped change my perspective of myself and see my worth.”