Scott was in-work but unhappy in his job role when he found out about Good Work. Employment Specialist, Anna, came into his workplace to talk to customers about employment support and Scott had a chat with Anna. He explained that he had a degree in psychology and counselling and that he wasn’t happy in his current role. Scott then referred himself to the programme using the online referral form.

Scott had PTSD following the death of his father a couple of months before joining Good Work and was struggling. Scott said:

“I had just moved into my own place. I was struggling to know where to go and what to do. I knew I could do a lot better for myself. I needed someone to guide me and to give me the right push.”


Scott and Anna completed a vocational profile together and Anna helped him to get some volunteering work with youth services, as this is what he was interested in doing. He said:  “Good Work helped me to get to the point of understanding where I wanted to go.”

Anna and Scott also began looking at job roles in the Civil Service. Scott said:

“Anna helped me a lot with going through what kind of jobs would be better for me. I often jump in feet first and Anna helped me to step back and think about what would be good for me.”

Anna supported Scott to put a pathway in place to get from where he was to a brilliant new job role. Scott went on to secure a new job as a Decision Maker with the Civil Service.

Scott’s confidence has significantly increased and now realises that he doesn’t need to be the same as other people.

“The way I look at things is different to others due to learning disabilities and PTSD. Anna helped me to understand why I see things in different ways and seeing that as a strength.”

Scott’s work-life balance has really improved and is now working less hours but better off financially. Scott’s mental health has also improved and now feels that he’s better at understanding it. Scott said:

“The money is a good thing, but that wasn’t my biggest problem. My biggest problem was dreading waking up for work and I’m not now.”


Scott would like to progress through the civil service and is already applying for opportunities to progress through a leadership programme. Scott is also continuing with his voluntary youth work and is enjoying being able to help young people in the same position that he was in, when he was younger.